Twice has Bond visited Ha Long Bay in Vietnam – and twice had it actually been filmed in Thailand. Both places are equally beautiful. As are all other “Tomorrow Never Dies” Movie Locations.
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Boys with Toys – the Playmobil Aston Martin DB5
The Aston Martin DB5 is the one car everybody links to James Bond. Rediscovered in the last Daniel Craig films and reinvented by Lego, now also Playmobil takes a turn. Is it worth it? Continue reading

The 60 Most Iconic James Bond Film Locations
No spy has been to more places: James Bond is roaming the big screen since 60 years and has hunted villains across the globe. Here are the most iconic James Bond Film Locations!
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DR. NO Movie Locations – from London to Jamaica
1962 marked the birth year of an unstoppable franchise – after 60 years, James Bond ist still up and running. The first movie “Dr. No” already established a trademark: filming on exotic locations rather than hanging out at studios.
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NO TIME TO DIE Movie Locations – from Jamaica to Norway
James Bond in retirement on Jamaica – and back in action in Norway and Italy. Here are all movie locations used in “No Time To Die”.
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Marie Mouroum on her stunt work for “No Time To Die”
“No Time To Die” will introduce Nomi – a tough 00-agent making it hard for Bond to keep up. Young German stunt woman Marie Mouroum did most of her action scenes. In our interview she talks about filming, Bond and women in power.
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GOLDENEYE Movie Locations – from St. Petersburg to Puerto Rico
James Bond is back after the Cold War – with bungee-jumps in Switzerland, tank cruises in Russia and telescope fights in the Caribbean. Here are the Goldeneye movie locations!
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Dark, yet Beautiful

Folio Society’s celebrated Ian Fleming Collection
Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels had been nothing more then paperbacks for years. Luckily, Folio Society brings them back in style!
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“Lair”: Bad Guys in Good Houses

Why do the James Bond villains always reside in the most exquisite homes?
“Lair”, a new book about iconic movie villain houses, knows the answer – and features some of the most thrilling 007 enemies!
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Hear the lion roarrr!
Even though James Bond travels to many amazing places around the globe, there are still a few left untouched. During our travel through Southeast Asia we stopped for a long weekend in Singapore – the city of lions.
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QUANTUM OF SOLACE Movie Locations – from Italy to Chile
James Bond travels the world. These are the “Quantum of Solace” movie locations, from Italy to Austria, to Chile, to Bolivia and Panama. Continue reading

CASINO ROYALE Movie Locations – Bohemia meets the Bahamas
The white sands of the Bahamas and the lush greens of the Czech Republic: Daniel Craig’s first adventure as James Bond brings him around the world. These are the Casino Royale movie locations. Continue reading