
Cuba around the Corner

SPAIN – Playa de Camposoto, Isla de León // Die Another Day (2002)

In “Die Another Day” Bond enjoys some time in Cuba. The crew filmed in Spain – and recreated the coastline at a quite enjoyable beach. And we found the perfect heladeria to sweeten your stay.

Why Bond was here
James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) investigates Isla de Los Organos, a private island off the Cuban coast. On the island, the Alvarez Clinic offers fictitious DNA replacement therapies – apparently something, villains long for. But for 007 a job almost all the time is a bit of a vacation too. So he first enjoys the Cuban countryside with a ride in an old Ford convertible.

Much more appealing with a convertible: Playa de Camposoto in Spain

How you gonna get there
The drive hasn’t really happened at Cuba, but in Spain instead. It was the road along the long and sandy Playa de Camposoto south of Cádiz. It is one of the longest beaches in southern Spain, famous for two old World War II bunkers and a superb surf spot.
From Cádiz it is merely a 20 minute ride, if you go by your own car (which we recommend). Just take the autobahn south to San Fernando and then take the first exit on the roundabout towards Camposoto.
The public transportation is a bit more complicated: Take the C1 train from Cádiz to San Fernando, then change for bus 2 to Gallineras and add another 20 minutes walk.

Good to know
There are two reasons why Playa de Camposoto is a bit off. First, it is surrounded by a salt water lagoon, second a military base is nearby. Thus, besides a small road nothing big is built here. No hotels, no cafés, no beach infrastructure besides some wooden huts and toilets. That is great for a beach not being overcrowded and cramped with entertainment – but it also means, you have to plan your trip, bring food and water and check your return time. As we said: Better have a rental car for your little trip to “Cuba”.

We enjoyed our beach time with our daughter, it was a welcoming day off to busy sightseeing in Andalucias beautiful towns and villages. Since we came in Spring, the high season hadn’t yet started and we had an almost empty beach. To still grab some ice cream, we were lucky to end the day in a café, we discovered nearby. “La Almadraba” is a heladeria not on Google or TripAdvisor – but a real ice cream heaven. There are no English speaking waiters or menues, but just pointing at the huge bulks of ice cream will work out. Just take the first exit to the right at the roundabout, when you leave the beach road. “La Almadraba” is then just 100 meters away.

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